Severe eating disorders helped by CBT
Severe eating disorders helped by CBT

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

In a recent study in the American Journal of Psychiatry, investigators reported that people with severe eating disorders can be […]

Older Veterans with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Helped by CBT

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Medscape: According to a pilot study presented at the Anxiety Disorders Association of America 2009 Annual Conference, older veterans suffering […]

Group CBT for Inpatients

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

In a study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Practice, researchers investigated the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy (CBGT) […]

Generalized Anxiety Disorder — CBT Benefits Older Adults in Primary Care

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

The results of a randomized clinical trial published in JAMA indicate that cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) can be effective for […]

Mood Disorders: Effects of Intensive CBT

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

A recent study in the Journal of Psychiatric Practice found that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) interventions used in an intensive […]

Cognitive Therapy is Helping Veterans

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Guest Blogger: John Milwee, Psy.D., Veterans Administration therapist and Beck Institute alumnus Veterans returning from the conflicts in Afghanistan and […]

American Heart Association Advisory Regarding Depression, Coronary Heart Disease, and CBT

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Circulation: The American Heart Association issued an advisory regarding the need for screening, referral, and treatment of depression in people […]

PTSD Symptoms Benefited by Early Intervention CBT

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

A recent meta-analysis published in the American Journal of Psychiatry found trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) delivered within a 3-month […]

Repeat Suicide Attempts Reduced by CBT

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

A randomized control study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to be effective […]

Adult ADHD: The Effects of Group CBT

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

A recent study in the Journal of Attention Disorders showed that brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) group sessions help to […]

Anorexia Nervosa Relapse Prevention Benefited by CBT

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

A recent clinical study in the International Journal of Eating Disorders found preliminary evidence supporting the notion that Cognitive Behavioral […]

Cognitive Therapy and Saudi Culture

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Recently, Leslie Sokol, Ph.D., our Director of Education, traveled to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, to provide a five-day training program to […]

CBT cutting down on the sweat in patients with hyperhidrosis

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Hyperhidrosis, a condition that causes excessive sweating, is brought on by a combination of the body’s temperature regulating system and […]

Adolescent Depression & Suicide Prevention: National Review of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

A national review of treatments for depressed adolescents (ages 13-17), with special focus on preventing teen suicide, finds Cognitive Behavioral Therapy […]

Antidepressants used in combination with CBT reduces risk of teen suicide

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

The use of the antidepressant fluoxetine (Prozac) alone has been associated with increased suicidality among teens and children, leading to […]

CBT reduces fear and restores function for patients after cardiac defibrillator implantation

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

A recent article in Current Psychiatry reviews the negative effects on quality of life for people who receive an implantable […]

Refractory angina (chronic chest pain) positively affected by CBT

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

People with chronic refractory angina are frequently hospitalized with severe chest pain. A recent study in the Journal of Pain […]

Complicated grief helped by cognitive restructuring and exposure therapy

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

The death of a loved one can precipitate the devastating clinical condition known as “complicated grief” (CG). In a study […]

Internet-based CBT helps service members with post-traumatic stress

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

A recent study in the American Journal of Psychiatry reviews therapist-assisted, Internet-based, self-management cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) for service members […]

Short-term CBT in a partial-hospital setting

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

  Patients in partial-hospital settings live at home but come to the hospital three to five days a week to […]