Child Perfectionism May Impact CBT Anxiety Treatment Outcomes
Child Perfectionism May Impact CBT Anxiety Treatment Outcomes

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

A recent study published in Behavior Research and Therapy investigated the effect of child perfectionism before treatment on the outcome of […]

Self-Focus in Cognitive Therapy

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

In this video from a recent Beck Institute Workshop, Dr. Aaron Beck discusses self-focus in Cognitive Therapy. Dr. Beck states […]

CBT Shows Promise for Anxious Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is an umbrella term representing a range of persistent cognitive deficits and impairments in communication and […]

CBT is Effective for Childhood Obesity

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

According to a recent study published in Quality of Life Research, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) can be effective in reducing […]

CBT Shows Long-Term Efficacy in Treating Children and their Parents with Functional Abdominal Pain

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

A recent study published in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine demonstrates that a brief cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) […]

CBT for Childhood Trauma

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

In this video from Beck Institute’s recent CBT Workshop for Students and Faculty, Dr. Aaron Beck summarizes the process of […]

The Efficacy and Effectiveness of CBT for Youth: A Summary of the Literature

January 13, 2021/Robert Friedberg, PhD

By Saige Portera, BA, Hannah Toyama, BA, Jeremy Joves, BA, Anika Mehta, BA, Courtney Giannini, BA, Samantha Honnert, MA, and […]

Telehealth Tips from Dr. Robert Hindman

April 14, 2020/Robert Hindman, PhD

Dr. Robert Hindman, a clinician at Beck Institute, discusses strategies to help therapists conduct successful Cognitive Behavior Therapy using telehealth. […]

A Short Mindfulness Exercise for Anxiety With Robert Hindman, PhD

March 31, 2020/Robert Hindman, PhD

Watch as Beck Institute clinician Dr. Robert Hindman describes a short mindfulness exercise for worry and anxiety associated with the […]

Banishing Unicorns, Rainbows, and Glitter from Self-Talk in CBT with Kids

July 3, 2019/Other

Banishing Unicorns, Rainbows, and Glitter from Self-Talk in CBT with Kids By Elisa Nebolsine, LCSW Kids are smarter than we […]