CBT for Medication-Resistant Psychosis: A Meta-analytic Review
CBT for Medication-Resistant Psychosis: A Meta-analytic Review

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

OBJECTIVE: Support for cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for psychosis has accumulated, with several reviews and meta-analyses indicating its effectiveness for various […]

Evaluating Unhelpful Automatic Thoughts in CBT

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

During a recent Beck Institute Workshop, Dr. Aaron Beck and Dr. Judith Beck discuss addressing clients’ automatic thoughts that may […]

Physical Therapist-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

The importance of the bio-psychosocial model in assessment and management of chronic musculoskeletal conditions is recognized. Physical therapists have been […]

Changes in Early Maladaptive Schemas After Residential Treatment for Substance Use

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Early maladaptive schemas are cognitive and behavioral patterns that cause considerable distress and are theorized to underlie mental health problems. […]

Dissemination of Evidence-Based Treatments for PTSD: Barriers and Accomplishments

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) presents as a significant public health challenge because of its pervasive effects on mental health, physical […]

CBT Relapse Prevention

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

In this video from a recent Beck Institute Workshop, Dr. Aaron Beck describes examples of the  application of techniques such […]

CBT Helps Prevent Depression in At-Risk Adolescents

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Research from a randomized clinical trial recently published in JAMA Psychiatry indicates that group cognitive-behavioral prevention (CBP) may help prevent […]

Ways to Elicit Automatic Thoughts

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

In this video from a recent Beck Institute Workshop, Dr. Aaron Beck discusses ways to elicit relevant automatic thoughts from […]

CBT Case Formulation

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Where clients focus their attention can impact their experience of their symptoms In this video from a recent Beck Institute […]

Individual versus Group Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) has been identified as an effective treatment for primary insomnia, and according to a recent […]

Beliefs, Self-focus, and Behavior Related to PTSD

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

In a recent Beck Institute Workshop, Dr. Aaron Beck explains how negative beliefs, points of focus, and behavior play a […]

Automatic Thoughts in CBT

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

In this video from a recent Beck Institute Workshop, Dr. Aaron Beck explains that it is not useful to address […]

Automatic Thoughts in CBT (Part 2)

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

In this video from a recent Beck Institute Workshop, Dr. Aaron Beck explains which types of automatic thoughts are important […]

The Utility of Mindfulness-Based CBT Techniques

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

In this video from a recent Beck Institute Workshop, Dr. Aaron Beck discusses ways to integrate mindfulness-based CBT techniques into […]

Mindfulness Techniques Involving Focus

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

In this video from a recent Beck Institute Workshop, Dr. Aaron Beck describes mindfulness techniques involving focus, which help clients […]

CBT is Effective for Bulimia Nervosa

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

According to a new study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is a more effective […]

The Blueprint of Cognitive Behavior Therapy

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

In this video from a recent Beck Institute Workshop, Dr. Aaron Beck describes cognitive theory and concepts. He provides examples […]

CBT for Patients with Epilepsy and Depression

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

A recent literature review published in Epilepsia examined the effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) as a treatment for depression […]

Negative Core Beliefs in CBT

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

In this video from a recent Beck Institute workshop, Dr. Aaron Beck discusses the effects of unhelpful core beliefs. When […]

CBT plus Medication is Effective for Chronic Migraine in Children and Adolescents

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

According to a recent study published in JAMA, cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) plus amitriptyline (a tricyclic antidepressant used in the […]