An Introduction to CBT for people with an Autism Spectrum Disorder
An Introduction to CBT for people with an Autism Spectrum Disorder

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

By Torrey Creed, PhD     Adjunct Faculty, Beck Institute While a description of CBT for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) would […]

Participant Spotlight

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Lina Butkute-Van de Voort traveled from Ghana to Philadelphia for the Core 1: CBT for Depression and Suicidality workshop. She has […]

Guest Blogger Dr. Judith Beck: Helplessness

June 8, 2021/Judith Beck, PhD

I recently presented a Master’s Clinician Class at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. My topic was cognitive conceptualization […]

Guest Blogger Dr. Judith Beck: CBT for Diabetes

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is usually short-term, goal-directed, and skills based. Therapists help patients identify and solve problems and learn […]

From CBT Therapist to CBT Supervisor

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Interested in training CBT supervisors? Learn the supervision model used at Beck Institute in our upcoming interactive virtual workshop. Training […]

“I saw my textbooks come alive!” Participant Spotlight – Jessica Marie Russell

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Jessica Marie Russell, MA, LPC, LAC traveled from Colorado Springs for the Beck Institute Workshop on CBT for Substance Abuse. […]

Question: Does Cognitive Behavior Therapy Include Insight?

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Answer: Insight is always a part of cognitive therapy — an important part, but not an end in itself.   […]

CBT is Effective for Pediatric OCD

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to examine the acute effectiveness of manualized exposure-based CBT with a family-based treatment, […]

Child- and Family-Focused CBT for Pediatric Bipolar Disorder

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

OBJECTIVE: Previous studies have found that family-based psychosocial treatments are effective adjuncts to pharmacotherapy among adults and adolescents with bipolar […]

Telephone-CBT is Effective for Adolescents with OCD

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

OBJECTIVE: Many adolescents with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) do not have access to evidence-based treatment. A randomized controlled non-inferiority trial was […]

The Role of Focus within the New Generic Cognitive Model

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

At a recent Beck Institute Workshop, Dr. Aaron Beck, Dr. Judith Beck, and Dr. Torrey Creed discuss the central role […]

Internet-based CBT for Depression

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

A 12-month follow-up of a randomized controlled trial BACKGROUND: In this study we investigated whether an Internet-based computerized cognitive behavioral […]

The Role of Catastrophizing Across Psychiatric Disorders [Audio]

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

In today’s audio clip, Dr. Aaron Beck describes how catastrophizing is a key feature of many psychiatric disorders

E-Newsletter: Avoiding Traps in Treatment: Case Formulation Driven Cognitive Therapy With Youth

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Clinicians who become overly enamored with techniques may fall into traps when conducting CT with youth (or patients of any […]

CBT Treatment for Anger Reduces Assaultive Behavior Among Forensic Hospital Patients with Intellectual Disabilities

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Anger is related to violence prior to hospitalization, during hospitalization, and after discharge. Meta-analyses have established treatment efficacy in reducing […]

The Development of Anxiety Disorders

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Dr. Aaron Beck discusses “nature versus nurture” in families with a history of anxiety disorders

Group CBT for Older Adults with Mixed Anxiety & Depression

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Objectives: There is a dearth of older adult evidence regarding the group treatment for co-morbid anxiety and depression. This research […]

Couple-based CBT for Intimate Partners of Those with OCD

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Background and Objectives: This study investigated the effect of a couple-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive […]

Group CBT for Adolescents with Rape-Related Symptoms

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Background: Efficacy studies on treatment in adolescent victims of single rape are lacking, even though sexual victimization is most likely […]

Use of CBT for Severe Mood Disorders in “Real World” Settings

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

The current study examined the effectiveness of brief cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) for severe mood disorders in an acute naturalistic […]