Internet-based CBT for Depression
Internet-based CBT for Depression

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

A 12-month follow-up of a randomized controlled trial BACKGROUND: In this study we investigated whether an Internet-based computerized cognitive behavioral […]

Origins of Dr. Aaron Beck’s Theory of Depression

June 8, 2021/Beck Institute Staff

During a recent Beck Institute Workshop, Dr. Aaron Beck discusses the origins of his theory of depression. He then describes […]

Telephone-administered CBT Versus Face-to-Face CBT for Depressed Patients with Co-occurring Problematic Alcohol Use in Primary Care

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

This secondary analysis of a larger study compared adherence to telephone-administered cognitive-behavioral therapy (T-CBT) vs. face-to-face CBT and depression outcomes […]

Cognitive Therapy plus Medication is More Effective than Medication Alone in the Treatment of Depression

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of combining cognitive therapy (CT) with ADM vs ADM alone on remission and recovery in […]

Mental Imagery in Bipolar Affective Disorder versus Unipolar Depression during Times of ‘Positive’ Mood

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

OBJECTIVE: Compared to unipolar depression (UD), depressed mood in bipolar disorder (BD) has been associated with amplified negative mental imagery […]

CBT and Medication for Severe Mental Illness

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

In this video from a recent Beck Institute Workshop, Dr. Aaron Beck and Dr. Judith Beck discuss the effects of […]

Individual Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Improve Depressive Symptoms in Patients with Diabetes

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Depression is a common comorbidity of diabetes, undesirably affecting patients’ physical and mental functioning. Psychological interventions are effective treatments for […]

Cognitive Restructuring in CBT

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Dr. Aaron Beck reviews cognitive restructuring with a depressed client during a recent Beck Institute Workshop. Dr. Beck describes how […]

CBT is Effective for Treatment-Resistant Depression in Community Mental Health

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

State mental health systems have been leaders in the implementation of evidence-based approaches to care for individuals with severe mental […]

CT is as Effective as Fluoxetine in Preventing Depressive Relapses

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

A recent study published in JAMA Psychiatry showed Cognitive Therapy (CT) to be as effective as medication (Fluoxetine) in reducing […]

CBT Improves Adherence and Depression in Patients with Uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

According to a new study published in Diabetes Care, cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) may be an effective intervention for medication […]

CBT with Depressed Caregivers

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

In this video from a recent Beck Institute workshop, Dr. Aaron Beck discusses how to structure treatment with depressed caregivers […]

CBT for Patients with Epilepsy and Depression

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

A recent literature review published in Epilepsia examined the effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) as a treatment for depression […]

CBT Helps Prevent Depression in At-Risk Adolescents

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Research from a randomized clinical trial recently published in JAMA Psychiatry indicates that group cognitive-behavioral prevention (CBP) may help prevent […]

CBT is Effective for Adherence and Depression in HIV-Infected Injection Drug Users

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

A recent study in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology suggests that cognitive behavioral therapy for adherence and depression […]

Identifying Suicide Risk

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

In this video from a recent CBT workshop at the Beck Institute, Dr. Aaron Beck describes ways to identify a […]

Telephone-Administered CBT is Effective for Depressed MS Patients with High Social Support

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

A study published in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine demonstrates that individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS) who have high levels […]

Preventive Antenatal Group CBT for Chinese Women with Depression

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), major depression, including postnatal depression (PND), will be the second highest worldwide cause […]

CBT plus Medication is Effective for Treatment Resistant Depression

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

According to a new study published online in The Lancet (December 7, 2012) and Contemporary Clinical Trials, cognitive behavior therapy […]

From our Archives: Coping with Depression

June 8, 2021/Hallie Grossman

Newsweek, January 8, 1973 This article (below), published in Newsweek in early 1973, takes us back almost 40 years into […]