The most recent issue of the  International Journal of Cognitive Therapy’s (September 2009, Volume 2, Number 3) has received particular praise for its special section dedicated to “mental control”.  Brad Alford, professor of psychology at the University of Scranton and founding fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy wrote, “The timely topic of mental control is covered there in the most scholarly, cogent, and authoritative manner . . .”  The table of contents for the September issue (Volume 2, Number 3) is as follows:

    Mental Control of Anxious and Depressive Cognitions, David A. Clark
    Hidden Complications of Thought Suppression, Sadia Najmi and Daniel M. Wegner
    Maladaptive Thought Control Strategies in Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, and Nonpatient Groups and Relationships with Trait Anxiety, Adrian Wells and Karin E. P. Carter
    Thought Control Strategies, Thought Suppression, and Rumination in Depression, Edward R. Watkins and Michelle L. Moulds
    Mental Control of Trauma Related Intrusions, Sherry A. Falsetti
    Mental Control of Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts: A Phenomenological Study of Nonclinical Individuals, David A. Clark and Christine Purdon
    Striving and Competing and its Relationship to Self-Harm in Young Adults, Katie Williams, Paul Gilbert and Kirsten McEwan
    Negative Interpretation of Bodily Sensations in Social Anxiety, Yoshihiro Kanai, Satoko Sasagawa, Junwen Chen, Shin-ichi Suzuki, Hironori Shimada and Yuji Sakano