Dear Friends and Colleagues,
As we leave 2024 in the rearview mirror and look ahead to 2025, I’m excited to share our large and growing impact on Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy (CT-R) training and practice around the world. Here is just a little of what we’ve accomplished this past year.
Expanding Access to Training and Addressing a Rising Need for Care
We improved access to CBT and CT-R training and resources by:

- releasing a Japanese translation of our on-demand course CBT in Practice: Essentials II;
- partnering with ArtMed to bring our world class training and CBT Certification to Portuguese-speaking clinicians in Brazil;
- addressing the youth mental health crisis by delivering a new live virtual workshop CBT for Suicide Prevention in Youth and providing CBT training in school settings through our Training for Organizations program; and
- providing a free, open-to-the-public talk on CT-R and its role in improving care in a population health environment in Philadelphia and beyond.
2024 By the Numbers
We trained more than 7,361 health and mental health professionals throughout the US and abroad, including:
- On-Demand Training: Over 2,684 individuals purchased access to our on-demand courses and course bundles.
- Workshops: 612 individuals enrolled in a live virtual workshop.
- Supervision: 75 people engaged in individual or group supervision.
- Certification: 22 individuals achieved BI certification and 183 entered the pipeline to become either a Certified Clinician (BICBT-CC) or Certified Master Clinician (BICBT-CMC).
- Organizational Training: We trained 1,697 individual staff members at organizations around the world in CBT through our Training for Organizations program.
- Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy: Our CT-R team trained over 2,293 staff members working in a range of forensic, community-based, and residential settings.
We gave out over $933,000 in discounts, scholarships, and financial aid to individual trainees and organizations who would have otherwise been unable to afford training.
Our clinicians conducted 1,393 CBT sessions, helping clients experiencing a range of challenges build resilience, live life in line with their values, and work toward their important goals.
Our customer service team responded to over 7,604 inquiries, helping trainees, clinicians, and researchers with financial assistance requests, providing assessment tools and other resources, and answering questions about training pathways, CEUs, and certification requirements.
As I reflect on all of this work, I’m incredibly grateful to our dedicated staff, board, faculty, and supporters around the world. Together, we can make even more of an impact in 2025.
Judith S. Beck, PhD