Last week at Beck Institute we held our Level 2 CBT Workshop on Personality Disorders and Challenging Problems. Psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, counselors, and other health and mental health professionals traveled from all over the world, including Canada, India, Peru and nine U.S. states, to receive training in Cognitive Behavior Therapy.
Participants received professional training from Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., Leslie Sokol, Ph.D., and Norman Cotterell, Ph.D. Lectures and role-plays emphasized the need for the therapeutic alliance in order to establish rapport. Dr. Sokol
discussed patient collaboration and made it clear that a therapist should always be there for the client. The use of mood checks was discussed and participants were told that a patient will often start with negative emotions and it is critical to probe them for positives to counter the negatives.
CBT Worksheet Demonstration
Dr. Judith Beck (above) demonstrated how to use a variety of CBT worksheets for therapists to use, such as the Cognitive Conceptualization Diagram. Dr. Beck encouraged workshop participants to roleplay (left and below) with one another to practice cognitive therapy techniques for personality disorders and challenging problems. Click here to learn more about our CBT workshops and how to register for our next Level 2 in February 2012. See below for more workshop highlights: