Each spring, the National Council for Mental Wellbeing holds NatCon, the largest conference in mental health. This year, Beck Institute Executive Director Lisa Coriano, and Training for Organizations Account Specialist Emily Walsh, represented BI at NatCon23, on May 1st – May 3rd in Los Angeles, California.

Lisa and Emily spoke with over 100 organizations at BI’s booth. Conference Attendees included many community mental health centers, behavioral health centers, non-profit organizations, and advocacy groups. Lisa and Emily were pleased to meet with people face to face; they connected with previous trainees from Jewish Family Services and Pathways Community Services Kickstart, who shared how BI training had impacted them in a positive way. They also talked to many future trainees — everyone from individual clinicians, social workers, and training program managers.
“We highlighted our new CBT for Suicide Prevention On-Demand course, which many of our previous trainees and organizations that have taken our On-Demand courses were glad to hear has launched. Many of our booth visitors were very also interested in Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy (CT-R) for their work with populations with challenging mental health conditions and for trainings for their peer support specialists,” said Emily.

Connection is the foundational component of Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy (CT-R) and an important focus for much of our Center for CT-R team’s work. Building strong connections and creating opportunities for meaningful engagement can help individuals build resiliency and empowerment. On an organizational level, we believe that strong connections can help both organizations and individuals to learn from each other and implement new techniques and modalities into their work to better serve clients. We are grateful to have spent time building such connections at NatCon.
As a Bronze partner of the National Council, Beck Institute offered discounts on our live workshops, which cover a variety of specialty topics relevant to members, including CBT for Anxiety, CBT for Addictive Disorders, CBT for Healing Racial Trauma, Culturally Responsive CBT, and more. Organizations that want to promote excellence in CBT or CT-R can take advantage of discounted rates on our rigorous supervision, consultation, and certification programs. Our partnership with the National Council helps BI deliver on its mission of improving lives worldwide through excellence and innovation in CBT and CT-R.