HBO is launching a new addiction project, and one of its films features Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) as the “most effective treatment for stimulant addiction.” The film follows a group of individuals undergoing CBT treatment for addiction at the Matrix Institute in California.  

CBT for stimulant addiction, including methamphetamine and cocaine use, teaches individuals how to recognize their triggers and thought patterns and learn strategies to stop using in the present, and prevent relapse in the future. What’s surprising is that CBT treatment can be as effective for those referred to treatment (as an alternative to prison) as it can for those who seek treatment voluntarily.

As one participant put it, “Treatment taught me to retrain my brain.”

The CBT film airs on Sunday, March 18, 8pm (HBO2); Monday March 19th, 6:30pm (HBO Signature); and Monday, March 26th, 12:30pm (HBO). You can also watch the film online, and find other addiction resources at HBO addiction.