JULY 2010: Psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, professors, school counselors, nurse practitioners, and other professionals from mental health, medical, and related fields traveled from 16 states and 6 countries, including Brazil, Canada, India, Japan, Uzbekistan, and Zimbabwe. Pictured above-left, Aaron T. Beck, M.D. answers questions after conducting a live patient session that was viewed (via closed-circuit television) by participants in the Cognitive Behavior Therapy workshop at Beck Institute.
(Below/Right) Aaron T Beck, M.D., pictured with scholarship winners Leila Azarbad, Ph.D., Lyn Abramson, Ph.D., and Aaron Heller, Ph.D. Candidate, who were all granted full tuition scholarships to attend one of our 3-Day workshops. They represent three out of ten winners from our Scholarship Competition held in March 2010, which received over 880 entries from around the world!
Participants received professional training in Cognitive Behavior Therapy from Aaron T. Beck, M.D., Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., Leslie Sokol, Ph.D., and Norman Cotterell, Ph.D. Trainees participated in seminars and case discussions, reviewed videos of therapy sessions, and observed demonstration roleplays among other activities. More event highlights: