A study published in Behaviour Therapy and Research compared the efficacy of group-based cognitive behavior therapy (GCBT) delivered to young, anxious children and their parents versus GCBT delivered to parents only. Results showed no significant difference between the two conditions. These findings suggest that GCBT delivered exclusively to parents of young, anxious children may be a feasible treatment alternative for improving accessibility to efficacious treatments for children with anxiety disorders.
Waters, A.M., Ford, L.A., Wharton, T.A., Cobham, V.E. (2009) Cognitive-behavioural therapy for young children with anxiety disorders: Comparison of a Child + Parent condition versus a Parent Only condition. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 47(8), 654-662.
To learn more about CBT for children and adolescents attend one of our upcoming workshops: www.beckinstitute.org/cbt-workshops/cbt-for-children-and-adolescents.