Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been many changes in how Beck Institute (BI) connects with colleagues and trainees from around the world. The growth of virtual gatherings, Zoom meetings, online workshops, and webinars have made Beck Institute’s trainings and events more accessible than ever. However, many people have missed the opportunity to connect in person, feel like part of a community, and network with colleagues.
On a recent trip to Japan and Korea, Dr. Judith Beck was excited to deliver several presentations, meet with students and mental health professionals from around the world, and gather with leaders in the field of CBT. At the same time, CBT Program Director Dr. Allen Miller visited Jordan before meeting Dr. Beck in Korea, and had much to share about his trip.
The Growth of CBT in Japan
Dr. Beck was invited to present to 500 members of the Japanese Association for Cognitive Therapy (JACT) by Dr. Yutaka Ono. Dr. Ono is largely responsible for the growth and dissemination of CBT in Japan and served as President of the JACT for over two decades. Dr. Beck presented a one-hour talk on the life and work of her father, the late Dr. Aaron T. Beck, and a three-hour workshop on CBT for Challenging Problems, which included material about Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy (CT-R). Many of the attendees at her presentation were excited by CT-R and believe the addition of a recovery orientation to traditional CBT is a very important development for the field.
Dr. Beck and Dr. Ono also discussed subtitling Beck Institute’s on-demand courses in Japanese. Making our comprehensive online CBT and CT-R courses accessible to clinicians in countries around the world is a major initiative for Beck Institute and helps us fulfill our nonprofit mission of improving lives worldwide through excellence in CBT.
Introducing Jordan to CBT
While Dr. Beck was in Japan, Dr. Miller delivered two presentations in Jordan for the First Jordanian Conference on Mental Health, sponsored by the University of Jordan. Dr. Miller’s presentations were the only presentations about CBT and sparked a great deal of interest, leading to conversations about CBT training in Jordan and throughout the Middle East. In addition to a six-hour workshop, Dr. Miller delivered a talk with Dr. Ahmad Aboul-Wafa on the results of a recent Beck Institute training in Egypt, which was very well received.
The 10th World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies
Dr. Beck and Dr. Miller then attended the World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies (WCCBT) which was held for the first time since 2019. Dr. Beck delivered several presentations, including a workshop and a skills class that included discussion of integrating CT-R into traditional CBT. She conducted several roleplays with participants and showed videos of roleplays demonstrating how to help clients identify aspirations and values, an important component of CT-R.
Dr. Miller also presented at the Congress. He delivered a six-hour workshop, led a symposium on cultural adaptations to CBT which included panelists from Nigeria, Lebanon, and Malaysia, and participated on a debate panel on the standardization of CBT training and supervision throughout the world. He also chaired a session of open research papers that included presenters from the UK, Poland, Korea, and South Africa.
As in Japan, there was a lot of excitement about CT-R. There was also a growing sense that CBT is becoming more holistic, focusing less on psychopathology, and looking more at individuals’ strengths and adaptive coping strategies, and helping them draw conclusions from positive experiences. Modern CBT also emphasizes the use of techniques from other evidence-based modalities within the context of a cognitive conceptualization. This has led to a spirit of cooperation between clinicians who practice different approaches with a common goal of delivering the best possible therapy.
A Meeting of the Beck Institute International Advisory Committee
Dr. Beck and Dr. Miller also enjoyed a productive meeting with members of the Beck Institute International Advisory Committee (IAC). The IAC was formed in 2019 to help inform the work of Beck Institute throughout the world. Members of the IAC have a track record of leadership and professional accomplishments in their respective countries, and are recognized experts in CBT research, clinical practice, and dissemination.
During the meeting, the group shared information about the state of training in their respective countries, including the difficulties and progress. The group also discussed the emergence of artificial intelligence as a topic of interest within the field.

Final Thoughts
Both Dr. Beck and Dr. Miller conveyed a sense of excitement about being able to gather with so many wonderful colleagues and students from around the world after a long hiatus. Attending international conferences and learning about the issues that are important to practitioners around the world helps BI meet the needs of its global network. During the last four years there have been many changes in how clinicians treat clients and receive training and supervision. The emergence of new technology in online treatment and training has changed the landscape of mental health both in the US and internationally. Beck Institute is excited to be on the forefront of CBT training, research, and practice and to help shape the future of the field.