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Training for

CBT Training from
Beck Institute

Beck Institute offers a full range of CBT and CT-R training opportunities for professionals across disciplines, experience, and skill levels. Over the past 30 years, we have worked to extend access to high-quality CBT training through excellent, innovative programs. We offer live and on-demand online training programs for a global audience of mental health and health practitioners focused on a range of issues and populations. To date, we have trained over 45,000 clinicians in more than 130 countries.

No matter where you are in your career and what your goals are for training, we have an expert-led, state-of-the-art continuing education opportunity to meet your needs. Browse our offerings below and view our full training catalog for even more training topics and formats.

New to Beck Institute CBT?

Master the theory and foundations of modern CBT. Learn to conceptualize clients according to the cognitive model, establish the therapeutic relationship, and utilize key interventions that can help your clients feel better faster.

Basics of CBT: Essentials I

Designed for health and mental health professionals of all skill levels, this course teaches participants the history of CBT, the theory behind CBT, and a step-by-step description of how to apply the most important techniques to clients.

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CBT in Practice: Essentials II

This interactive multimedia course digs into the “how” of practicing CBT: how to establish the therapeutic alliance, generate internal motivation, structure therapy sessions, and develop effective action plans for each client.

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The Therapeutic Relationship in CBT

The Therapeutic Relationship in CBT

This on-demand webinar, led by Dr. Judith Beck, teaches participants how to conceptualize client beliefs and behaviors that interfere with the therapeutic relationship, and how to select interventions that strengthen the client’s relationships both in and outside of therapy.

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Socratic Questioning in CBT

Socratic Questioning in CBT

Learn about Socratic Questioning, a foundational component of CBT, from Beck Institute faculty member Dr. Rob Hindman. This comprehensive, self-paced, on-demand technique training will cover all aspects of Socratic questioning through case examples, role played therapy sessions, and discussions with Beck Institute expert clinicians.

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Graduate Student and Early Career Professional Workshop

This workshop will teach you to conceptualize clients with depression, plan treatment based on an individualized conceptualization, establish the therapeutic relationship, instill hope, and more. The third day of training will focus on identifying and assessing clients with suicidal ideation and implementing specific strategies for preventing and managing suicidal crises.

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Become a Beck Institute Certified Clinician

Demonstrate your commitment not only to personal and professional development, but also to improving the lives of the clients and communities you serve. Beck Institute’s CBT certification program was designed by Dr. Aaron T. Beck, Dr. Judith S. Beck, and other leaders in the field to promote excellence in CBT.

Basics of CBT: Essentials I

Designed for health and mental health professionals of all skill levels, this course teaches participants the history of CBT, the theory behind CBT, and a step-by-step description of how to apply the most important techniques to clients.

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CBT for Depression

CBT for Depression

This interactive, on-demand, multimedia course teaches evidence-based cognitive and behavioral strategies to effectively treat clients diagnosed with depression. Participants will learn to conceptualize clients, structure treatment, elicit and evaluate clients’ automatic thoughts, build and maintain a strong therapeutic relationship, and collaboratively develop Action Plans.

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CBT for Anxiety

CBT for Anxiety

Gain essential CBT skills to help clients diagnosed with a range of anxiety disorders in this comprehensive multimedia course. Learn evidence-based strategies that can help clients decrease anxious symptoms, increase functional behavior, and engage more fully with life.

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CBT for Personality Disorders

CBT for Personality Disorders

Through case examples and demonstration roleplays, this course teaches participants how to use evidence-based CBT strategies to help clients diagnosed with personality disorders. Learn to teach clients to solve interpersonal problems, decrease their use of unhelpful coping behaviors, and evaluate and modify their longstanding negative core beliefs so they can change their thinking at both an intellectual and emotional level.

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Individual Supervision

Beck Institute Supervision is an intensive training program designed to help clinicians implement the CBT or CT-R knowledge they have gained in our on-demand and live trainings and further develop their skills. Participants receive one-on-one guidance from expert Beck Institute faculty over ten weekly sessions.

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Group Supervision

Our Group Supervision program matches a group of 4-6 clinicians with a supervisor who provides mentorship, feedback, and opportunities for reflection critical to improving CBT implementation.

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Certification Package

Beck Institute’s rigorous CBT Certification program is designed to help participants gain a deeper, more comprehensive understanding of CBT treatment and theory. Clinicians who are certified through Beck Institute have demonstrated that they are among the best in the field.

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Working with Children and Adolescents

Learn to adapt CBT for youth with a range of challenges, introduce youth to the cognitive model, implement developmentally appropriate interventions, and involve families in care when needed.

CBT for Youth

This workshop focuses on the empirically supported applications of CBT with youth, emphasizing the developmentally appropriate and practical skills necessary to orient caregivers, children, and youth to the cognitive model. This workshop will teach skills to prevent the development of maladaptive cognitions and target emotion regulation, behavioral management, and cognitive flexibility to enhance the wellbeing of this and future generations.

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CBT for Anxiety in Youth

This workshop will teach participants to conceptualize and create individual treatment plans for young clients with suicide-related ideation and behaviors. Participants will learn specific interventions, including assisting clients with the suicide narrative, building skills such as modifying unhelpful thoughts, problem solving, instilling hope, planning for safety, and preventing relapse.

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CBT Strategies for Good Parenting

CBT Strategies for Good Parenting

This on-demand webinar presents and discusses Parent Management Training (PMT), an evidence-based therapy designed to help parents and caregivers learn effective ways to respond to their children, with the aim of increasing positive behaviors and improving family relationships.

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CBT for Depression in Youth

This workshop will teach you how to establish strong therapeutic relationships and create individualized treatment plans for youth clients with depression. Participants will learn and have an opportunity to practice a broad range of valuable treatment strategies backed by decades of empirical research and experience. 

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CBT for ADHD in Youth

CBT for ADHD in Youth

This on-demand webinar will teach you strategies to help children understand the Attention-Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) diagnosis and reframe their self-image, effectively address time management, organization, self-concept, and more.

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CBT for Autism

CBT for Autism

This on-demand webinar focuses on adapting CBT to the unique needs of clients with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). This webinar covers key CBT interventions, characteristics of ASD, and specific modifications of CBT to meet the needs of clients with ASD.

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Individual Supervision

Beck Institute Supervision is an intensive training program designed to help clinicians implement the CBT or CT-R knowledge they have gained in our on-demand and live trainings and further develop their skills. Participants receive one-on-one guidance from expert Beck Institute faculty over ten weekly sessions.

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CBT for Specific Problems

Learn key cognitive and behavioral interventions for a range of specific diagnoses, including substance use, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, and more.

CBT for Addictive Disorders

This workshop presents the foundations and applications of evidence-based CBT treatment for diverse addictive disorders and problematic habits, including drug and alcohol misuse, problem gambling, Internet gaming, and binge eating.  

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CBT for Bipolar Disorder

This webinar summarizes the principles and components of CBT for bipolar disorder. Learn an approach that emphasizes individual case conceptualization, respects the client’s goal of improving quality of life, and considers the stage of their illness. The webinar also addresses family interventions, sleep hygiene methods, mindfulness practices to lower anxiety, imagery work, and DBT skills approaches.

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CBT for Rumination

CBT for Rumination

This webinar provides you with an overview of rumination-focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy (RF-CBT). You will learn to adapt CBT to address rumination as a treatment target, shift unhelpful ruminative response styles to more helpful ways of thinking, design behavioral experiments, engage clients in absorbing value-driven behavior, and prevent relapse in the future.

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CBT for Suicide Prevention

CBT for Suicide Prevention

This interactive on-demand course presents an evidence-based CBT approach to suicide prevention. Participants will learn to conduct a thorough suicide risk assessment, strengthen the therapeutic relationship, conceptualize suicidal ideation and plan treatment, develop a safety plan, and much more.

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CBT for Anorexia: A Case Example

This on-demand webinar discusses case conceptualization and treatment strategies for a client with anorexia nervosa. The webinar discusses ways to initiate and strengthen the therapeutic relationship within the context of CBT, and how to use cognitive and behavioral techniques to target and modify maladaptive beliefs that maintain the eating disorder.

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CBT for Bulimia: A Case Example

This on-demand webinar discusses case conceptualization and treatment strategies for a client with bulimia nervosa. This webinar discusses ways to address ambivalence about change and how to form and maintain a strong therapeutic alliance. Additional topics include using cognitive and behavioral techniques to target and modify maladaptive beliefs and behaviors that maintain the eating disorder.

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CBT for Perinatal Anxiety

This three-hour on-demand webinar will provide you with an understanding of perinatal anxiety and will equip you with evidence-based strategies to improve maternal mental health. This training focuses on the fundamentals of CBT as well as specific adaptations to treat perinatal anxiety and OCD to reduce distress and improve functioning.

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Working with Clients with Serious Mental Health Conditions

Learn how Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy (CT-R) provides concrete, actionable steps to promote recovery and resiliency in individuals given a diagnosis of a serious mental health condition.

CT-R for Schizophrenia

CT-R for Schizophrenia and Serious Mental Health Conditions

Learn Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy (CT-R) from the team that developed this revolutionary practice along with Dr. Aaron Beck. This interactive online course, appropriate for staff of all disciplines across all levels of education and experience, teaches skills to work with individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia and other serious mental health conditions.

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Developing and Enriching Aspirations in CT-R

Developing and Enriching Aspirations in CT-R

This interactive technique training introduces aspirations as a foundational and essential element of CT-R. This training emphasizes skills to discover the most meaningful and motivating aspects of an aspiration, including how to create vivid recovery images. Trainees will learn how to adjust this approach to meet people where they are in terms of openness and trust in therapy.

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CT-R for Justice-Involved Individuals

This on-demand webinar provides a strategic framework to develop concrete, actionable interventions to engage and empower individuals with justice involvement. Internal and external challenges to community reintegration will be framed within an individualized context and can be integrated within a person’s self-defined purpose for a desired life.

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CBT for Personality Disorders

CT-R Approach to Trauma, Aggression, and Self-Injury

This on-demand webinar focuses on beliefs that increase vulnerability to acts of aggression and self-injury as well as on strategies to tap into individuals’ beliefs related to control, connection, contribution, and hope.

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CT-R to Empower Families

In this webinar, mental health professionals and family members will learn how use CT-R with individuals and loved ones impacted by serious mental health challenges, such as isolation, attention to voices, expression of delusions, or engagement in self-injury and other expressive behaviors. This training focuses on specific, practical strategies and interventions that promote connection, belonging, purpose, and empowerment within families.  

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CT-R Approach to Delusions

This on-demand webinar focuses on ways to collaborate with individuals who express beliefs that may be difficult to understand, an experience commonly referred to as delusions. You will learn about beliefs that can contribute to these experiences and strategies to activate and strengthen beliefs about capability, connection, and safety.

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CT-R Approach to Hallucinations

Hallucinations can be a source of profound disconnection and distress. This on-demand webinar addresses beliefs that can negatively impact this experience. Learn strategies to activate an individual’s sense of control over hallucinations and increase participation in their desired life.

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CT-R Approach to Negative Symptoms

This on-demand webinar teaches strategies to connect and engage, tap into motivation, and promote purposeful action with individuals who experience negative symptoms. This training focuses on beliefs that exacerbate challenges related to energy, motivation, and disconnection. Strategies to activate beliefs around enjoyment, connection, and capability are also emphasized.

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Adapting CBT for Specific Populations

Learn how to appropriately adapt CBT for clients across the lifespan, from a range of backgrounds and cultures, and personal preferences, characteristics, and needs.

CBT for Healing Racial Trauma

CBT can provide tools to help individuals from oppressed groups address the stress of aggressions, break free from any externally-imposed identity, recognize options, regain self-control, and effect change. This webinar will help therapists and other mental health professionals explore ways to intervene with the pain of racial trauma and empower clients to act consciously and constructively on their behalf.

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CBT for Older Adults

This on-demand webinar teaches you a framework for conceptualizing older adults in the context of their life history. Learn how techniques such as reminiscence and life review can be integrated into more standard CBT protocols, as well as ways to customize treatment to enrich the quality of care for older adults.

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Cultural Adaptations for CBT Practice

This on-demand webinar presents a rationale for cultural adaptations of CBT and covers the multicultural competencies needed to make adjustments to treatment. Participants will learn how to integrate a variety of strategies from many different psychotherapeutic modalities and adapt them to work with clients from across the cultural spectrum to help them get better and stay better.

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CBT for Emerging Adults

This on-demand webinar provides an overview of how to work with emerging adults who are feeling stuck due to anxiety and related concerns. Learn to conduct functional assessments to understand ways in which anxiety has delayed appropriate development, conceptualize concerns through a developmental cognitive behavioral lens, and engage ambivalent emerging adults in treatment.

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Individual Supervision

Beck Institute Supervision is an intensive training program designed to help clinicians implement the CBT or CT-R knowledge they have gained in our on-demand and live trainings and further develop their skills. Participants receive one-on-one guidance from expert Beck Institute faculty over ten weekly sessions.

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See Our Complete Training Catalog

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are live workshops?

    Live workshops are 1-, 2-, or 3-day live virtual trainings with interactive learning activities, such as breakout groups and trainee discussions.

  • What are on-demand courses?

    On-demand courses are self-paced trainings held on our custom learning platform that incorporate interactive activities, roleplays, and clinical roundtables into lecture-based lessons.

  • What are on-demand webinars?

    On-demand webinars are in-depth prerecorded trainings featuring lecture-based instruction, ranging in length from 60 minutes to one day.

  • What are technique trainings?

    Technique trainings are short (1.5 – 2.5 hour) self-paced on-demand trainings that provide a deep dive into one crucial aspect of CBT or CT-R treatment.

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