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Role of therapist competence in CBT for Depression

The role of therapist competence in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) outcomes was the subject of a naturalistic process-outcome study conducted […]

CT reduces cerebral atrophy in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Researchers from Raboud University Nijmegen investigated whether Cognitive Therapy (CT) affected the cerebral atrophy of patients suffering from Chronic Fatigue […]

Acceptance-Oriented CBT with Highly Distressed Rheumatic Disease Patients

OBJECTIVE: To examine the potential effectiveness of a multimodal rehabilitation program including an acceptance-oriented cognitive-behavioral therapy for highly distressed patients […]

Using CBT and Smart Phones for the Self-Management of Chronic Pain

In this age of technology, internet interventions are becoming more common in the practice of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).  Chronic […]

Group cognitive behavioral therapy for depressive and anxious symptoms in patients with epilepsy

A recent study published in Epilepsy & Behavior examined the effectiveness of a group cognitive behavioral therapy (GCBT) intervention for […]

CBT Relieves Chronic Back Pain

In a recent study, published in the February 26, 2010 issue of The Lancet, 701 patients with chronic back pain […]

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Shows Promise for Children with Mental Illness – JAMA Article

  The numbers are astonishing: 20% of children in the U.S. have some form of mental illness. Only 1 in […]

What does Cognitive Therapy have to do with Nursing?

As Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) interact with patients who have health problems, many of them find that their patients also suffer from mental health problems, including […]

CT Worldwide: The UK, ahead of the game

We’ve been closely watching the UK, which has recently begun trying to make evidence-based mental health treatment more readily available to its […]