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Substance Abuse Disorders

Treating Substance Misuse Disorders with CBT

Expert Beck Institute faculty member Bruce Liese, PhD, will lead our upcoming CBT for Addictive Disorders interactive virtual workshop in […]

Adolescent Depression & Suicide Prevention: National Review of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

A national review of treatments for depressed adolescents (ages 13-17), with special focus on preventing teen suicide, finds Cognitive Behavioral Therapy […]

HBO Film on Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Addiction

HBO is launching a new addiction project, and one of its films features Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) as the “most effective treatment […]

CBT for Smoking Cessation among Cancer Patients

Smoking, alcohol use and depression often co-exist at high rates among patients with head and neck cancer. Researchers recently designed a […]

Evaluation of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Drinking. Outcome of Japanese Alcoholic Patients.

Abstract This study examined the efficacy of a group-based cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT) for Japanese alcoholic outpatients. Participants (N = 169) […]

CBT is Effective for Pathological Gambling

OBJECTIVE: Clinicians lack adequate data on the effectiveness of treatment for pathological gambling in low- and middle-income countries. METHODS: We […]

Computer-Assisted CBT (CBT4CBT) is Effective for Cocaine-Dependent Individuals on Methadone

OBJECTIVE: A previous pilot trial evaluating computer-based training for cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT4CBT) in 77 heterogeneous substance users (alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, […]

Changes in Early Maladaptive Schemas After Residential Treatment for Substance Use

Early maladaptive schemas are cognitive and behavioral patterns that cause considerable distress and are theorized to underlie mental health problems. […]

CBT for Substance Abuse

In this video from a recent CBT workshop at the Beck Institute, Dr. Aaron Beck discusses his academic and clinical […]

CBT is Effective for Adherence and Depression in HIV-Infected Injection Drug Users

A recent study in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology suggests that cognitive behavioral therapy for adherence and depression […]

CBT for Substance Abuse

In this video from a recent CBT workshop at the Beck Institute, Dr. Aaron Beck discusses cognitive behavior therapy for […]

Seeking Safety Treatment Improves Outcomes in Patient with Substance Use Disorders and Co-Occurring PTSD

According to a recent study published in Addiction, seeking safety treatment (SS), a manualized, present-focused, cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) treatment […]

Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Substance Abuse

In this clip from a recent 3-day workshop at the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Dr. Aaron Beck discusses […]

CBT is Effective for Cocaine Addiction

A recent study published in Addictive Behaviors sought to determine whether the use of D-cycloserine (DCS), a cognitive enhancer, would […]

“Hey doc, are you in recovery too?”

“Hey doc, are you in recovery too?” By Cory Newman, PhD, ABPP Patients sometimes express curiosity about their therapists by […]