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CBT/MET Therapy Helps Improve Symptoms in Comorbid MDD/AUD Adolescents

A recent, two-year acute phase trial published in Addictive Behaviors found both manual-based cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and motivation enhancement […]

Exercise and Depression

Dr. Aaron Beck discusses the effect of exercise on depressed patients. Some contributing factors include the importance of exercise and […]

Modular CBT for Body Dysmorphic Disorder

A recent pilot study published in Behavior Therapy found that modular Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) may help reduce symptom severity […]

December 12 – 14, 2011, Cognitive Behavior Therapy Workshop Level I: Depression and Anxiety

December 2011: Last week at Beck Institute, psychologists, psychiatrists, physicians, social workers, professors, counselors, nurses and other professionals from mental […]

Using Pupil Dilation to Screen Depressed Patients for Remission Likelihood with CBT Treatment

Research indicates that cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is an effective treatment for up to 60% of patients with Major Depressive […]

Psychotherapy as an epigenetic ‘drug’: psychiatric therapeutics target symptoms linked to malfunctioning brain circuits with psychotherapy as well as with drugs

Psychotherapy may be just as effective as psychopharmacology in treating psychiatric disorders. Psychotherapy focuses on psychodynamic and psychoanalytic prinicples while […]

CBT for Depression

Dr. Aaron Beck explains the history of biological and psychological research on depression. He also discusses studies that looked at […]

Beck Institute Scholar Meets with Dr. Aaron Beck

Marcus Huibers, Ph.D., a former Beck Institute Scholar, visited us last week. He has conducted important research in the field […]

The Use of Mindfulness to Improve Mental Health

A recent article  contains a systematic review of  research on Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT).  Mindfulness […]

May 23 – 25, 2011, Cognitive Behavior Therapy Workshop Level I: Depression and Anxiety

May 2011: Psychologists, psychiatrists, physicians, social workers, professors, counselors, nurses and other professionals from mental health, medical, and related fields […]

Group cognitive behavioral therapy for depressive and anxious symptoms in patients with epilepsy

A recent study published in Epilepsy & Behavior examined the effectiveness of a group cognitive behavioral therapy (GCBT) intervention for […]

Combination of Exercise and CBT Improves Outcomes in Depressed Patients with Heart Failure

A recent study appearing in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research aimed to examine the effectiveness of exercise combined with Cognitive Behavioral […]

Combination of CBT and Exercise May Ease Fibromyalgia

A new study conducted by researchers at Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center in the Netherlands tested the effectiveness of Cognitive […]

CBT Found to Be Clinically Effective for Depressed Older Adults in Primary Care

A new study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry investigated the clinical effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) for […]

Cognitive Behavior Therapy Versus Light Therapy in the Treatment of SAD

According to a study published in the September issue of Behavior Therapy, researchers at the University of Vermont demonstrated that […]

The Efficacy and Effectiveness of CBT for Youth: A Summary of the Literature

By Saige Portera, BA, Hannah Toyama, BA, Jeremy Joves, BA, Anika Mehta, BA, Courtney Giannini, BA, Samantha Honnert, MA, and […]

Beck Institute’s Level I CBT Workshop for Students and Faculty

AUGUST 13-15, 2012: 173 post-doctoral fellows, psychiatry residents, other graduate students, and faculty from mental health, medical, and related fields […]

What research is Dr. Beck presently involved in? (Students Ask Dr. Beck – Part SEVEN)

This is the seventh question from the Q&A portion of Beck Institute’s 3-Day CBT Workshop on Depression and Anxiety for […]

Recalling Recent Experiences in Session

I do many things at the beginning of therapy sessions, one of which is to ask patients about their experiences […]

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Shows Promise for Children with Mental Illness – JAMA Article

  The numbers are astonishing: 20% of children in the U.S. have some form of mental illness. Only 1 in […]