Clinical Psychologist, Assistant Clinical Professor, UCSF Department of Psychiatry

Robert Reiser, PhD, a licensed psychologist in California, is a Fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy and Adjunct Faculty at the Beck Institute.  Dr. Reiser is a Beck Institute trained cognitive behavior therapist with a focus on supervising cases and treating individuals and families with complex and serious mental illnesses including schizophrenia, bipolar spectrum disorders and recurrent severe depression.  

He has participated as a consulting supervisor providing CBT training to VA clinicians within the CBT for Depression (CBT-D) national training program with the Veterans Administration over several years; and provides ongoing consultation and training for clinicians and case managers in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, including Recovery Oriented CBT and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis (CBT-P); and, supervises psychiatric residents at the University of California, San Francisco in the Department of Psychiatry. 

In addition to 10 years as a clinical supervisor and Clinic Director (for an American Psychological Association-approved doctoral program), his grant-funded clinical research projects have involved supervising, training, and piloting clinical interventions for individuals with serious mental illnesses, in close collaboration with community mental health professionals. He served over several years as a consulting supervisor to Veterans Administration clinicians within a national training program. Currently, he provides ongoing consultation and training for clinicians and case managers in supervision, and trains 3rd year resident psychiatrists at the University of California. Since 2008, he has co-authored several scientific papers and two full length books on supervision with Derek Milne.