Private Practice

Kevin Kuehlwein, PsyD is a licensed psychologist and Certified Cognitive Therapist & Trainer who worked at the Center for Cognitive Therapy for about 25 years at the Beck Institute, where he remains on adjunct faculty.  He has taught at the undergraduate or graduate level since 1986, including the Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program at the University of Pennsylvania.  Dr. Kuehlwein was a therapist in psychotherapy outcome studies for panic; GAD; cocaine abuse; depression; and borderline, obsessive-compulsive, and avoidant personality disorders.

He has also co-edited Cognitive Therapies in Action: Evolving Innovative PracticeConstructing Realities: Meaning-Making Perspectives for Psychotherapists and a special issue on creativity of Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy.  He has also written chapters and presented on psychotherapy with LGBT populations.

Now in full-time private practice, he continues to supervise people from several countries and many states, including the VA and Community Mental Health systems.

He is a member of the Association for Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies, Anxiety & Depression Association of America, Division 44 of American Psychological Association, Academy of Cognitive therapy.
