Group supervision is offered in small groups of 4-6 clinicians. Each group is matched with an expert supervisor who provides mentorship, feedback, and opportunities for reflection critical to improving CBT skills. Included in this program is our Essentials II: CBT in Practice course, which participants must complete prior to beginning supervision. Group supervision is a more affordable alternative to individual supervision.

The cost per 10-session term ranges from $1,600 – $2,500 per group member depending on group size, and trainees earn 15 CE credits each.

Prerequisites for Group Supervision

To participate in group supervision, trainees must meet the following criteria:

  • Completion of a live Beck Institute core workshop or on-demand course, completion of a Beck Institute core training through your employer, or the equivalent
  • Proof that you are licensed to practice psychotherapy in your locale (if required by your country)
  • Access to 2-3 consenting clients; Beck Institute is unable to provide clients
  • The ability to submit at least 6 audio or video recordings of therapy sessions electronically
  • Supervisees should submit session recordings with clients who have been seen for at least three sessions

How It Works

Before Beginning Supervision

Trainees who sign up for group supervision are automatically enrolled in our four-week, self-directed CBT in Practice course. Supervisees must complete this course before their term of supervision begins. Through videos, readings, and practice, this self-directed preparatory program introduces the structure and the components of a CBT session and addresses how each corresponds to the Cognitive Therapy Rating Scale-Revised (CTRS-R©) items.

You will submit one recording prior to starting the CBT in Practice course, and a second recording immediately after completing it.

During Your Term of Supervision

  • Group supervision terms include 10 sessions over the course of approximately 4-8 months.
  • Sessions are conducted every 2 to 3 weeks via Zoom meeting platform.
  • The first session of supervision serves as an introductory session. Here, you will be introduced to your fellow group members and collaborate to establish a group submission schedule. No session submissions are required for this initial session.
  • At least 7 days before each supervision session, two clinicians will each submit a session recording. Your supervisor will review the submitted recordings and score them on the CTRS-R©.
  • All group members, including the supervisee who uploads their own recording, should also listen to the session and rate it using the CTRS-R©.
  • To successfully complete the program, at least 3 of your submissions must receive a score of 22 or above on the the CTRS-R©.

After Your Term of Supervision

  • Your final, post-supervision recording must be submitted within 2 weeks of your final supervision session.
  • You will complete an evaluation at the end of your term.

Fulfilling the Supervision Requirement for Beck Institute Certification

Group supervision can qualify as the supervision requirement for Beck Institute CBT Certification. In order for your term of group supervision to fulfill this requirement, you must:

  • Attend all ten sessions of supervision – exceptions will not be made
  • Submit all scheduled session recordings in keeping with the established deadlines
  • Submit a Case Conceptualization Diagram (CCD) along with each unique client
  • Receive at least 3 scores of 22 or above on the CTRS-R©
  • Complete the Beck Institute Group Supervision evaluation

Group Supervision Information Packet

Ready to build your CBT skills, but unsure whether group supervision is a good fit for your professional goals and the specific support you need in your practice? Download our helpful information packet to learn more. This brochure summarizes the program and can be shared with your supervisor or colleagues.

Group Supervision Application

Whether you have a group of 4-6 clinicians who are ready to apply, or you are an individual interested in group supervision but do not yet have a group formed, you can begin your application now! We have upcoming terms available and can match you with other peers to form a group if you do not yet have one.

You can also view all currently available upcoming terms by clicking the button below.